Uncover Ghostly Secrets: New Orleans In-App Audio Tour

About this activity

Audio tour
Audio tour in English
Route length: 10 km
Instant confirmation
Duration 2h
AI generated tour
This tour was generated with the help of AI with human post moderation. It allows us to propose more diverse content for you while keeping good quality and lower price
Audio tours on your smartphone
After purchase, you will receive the link to download the app to take this tour
Control your experience
With the in-app audio guide, you decide when to start, pause, and finish your tour
No internet is required
All audio tours and tickets can be downloaded to your device anytime

Tour preview

Hosted by WeGoTrip
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  • We will send the tour within 48 hours or refund your money
  • Explore eerie tales with In-App Audio Tour
  • Feel the chill at LaLaurie Mansion
  • Seek vampires at Ursuline Convent
  • Catch ghostly shadows at Hotel Provincial
  • Watch for the Octoroon mistress at Jackson Square
Dive into a world of eerie mysteries and whispered legends with this self-guided walking audio tour. It's perfect for anyone who loves a good spook and has a curiosity for the supernatural. Starting at the heart of it all, the historically resonant Jackson Square, the adventure kicks off with grand views of the St. Louis Cathedral, inviting you into an intriguing journey through the French Quarter. The path takes you through the haunting echoes of Lafitte's Blacksmith Shop, and the LaLaurie Mansion, each holding their own dark histories. You won't miss observing the Voodoo Museum's enigmatic entrance, and you'll get shivers down your spine wandering through Pere Antoine Alley. Make sure to gaze up at the windows of the Ursuline Convent, before ending at Pirate's Alley, where the tour comes to a close, leaving you enveloped in the ghostly atmosphere. Prepare to have your imagination captured by the ghostly priest sightings, the Cornstalk Hotel's mysterious figures, and the whispers of vampiric legends. The cobblestones beneath your feet and the shadows dancing on the walls will create an unforgettable experience, making you ponder the thin line between history and mystery that New Orleans treads so finely.

What's included

  • Downloadable self-guided audio tour via the WeGoTrip app
  • Detailed route from stop to stop with live GPS map on your smartphone
  • Earphones are not included — please bring your own
  • Tickets to the attractions along the way are not included

Places you will visit

The route of the tour goes within circle
Jackson Square
801 Chartres St, New Orleans, LA 70116, USA
Hotel Provincial
1024 Chartres St, New Orleans, LA 70116, USA
Popular activities in New Orleans
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WeGoTrip is a company creating memorable experiences through the in-app audio tours for self-guided travelers all around the world. Travel by your own rules with self-guided audio tours & museum tickets in one app. Better to see something once than hear about it a...

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