Vatican Audio Tours

Best cities to visit in Vatican

Top attractions

About Vatican

Key Vatican attractions include the awe-inspiring St. Peter's Basilica, the Vatican Museums with their plethora of masterpieces, the Sistine Chapel renowned for Michelangelo's ceiling, and the Raphael Rooms. Don't overlook the poignant Vatican Necropolis or the vibrant St. Peter's Square.
For a family-friendly Vatican activities roster, schedule a visit to the Vatican Museums with interactive guides, explore the wondrous St. Peter's Basilica, and take an adventurous climb to view the cityscape from its dome. Wrap up with gelato in St. Peter's Square while observing the lively square.
Immerse in the beauty of the Vatican Gardens, marvel at St. Peter's Square and the Pontifical Swiss Guards. Attending a Papal Audience is a unique experience, especially in the benign Roman weather, as is enjoying the stunning vistas from atop St. Peter's Basilica dome.
Indulge in the rich tapestry of art with the Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel tours, wander through the hallowed interior of St. Peter's Basilica, discover the mysteries of the Vatican Apostolic Archive, and experience the historical journeys documented in the Vatican Library.
Top Vatican tours include skip-the-line access to the Vatican Museums, guided tours through St. Peter's Basilica, exploratory walks in the Vatican Gardens, and the rare Vatican Necropolis tour. Attend a Papal Mass for a profound spiritual journey.
The Vatican Museums rank among the most famed, showcasing the Raphael Rooms and Sistine Chapel. Also beloved are the Gregorian Egyptian Museum, the Chiaramonti Museum, and the Pinacoteca, each harboring unique collections and narratives.
Rainy days are perfect for exploring the vast Vatican Museums, taking shelter under Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel, or unraveling history at the Gregorian Egyptian Museum. For such days, the tailor-made audio tours deliver insightful experiences while keeping visitors dry and comfortable.

Best Things to Do In Vatican

Explore the epicenter of art, history, and spirituality with our guide to the best things to see in Vatican.

Vatican City: The Vatican Pinacoteca

What is it?
An esteemed art gallery within the Vatican Museums, displaying religious masterworks.
Why you should go?
The Vatican Pinacoteca, or Picture Gallery, is a lesser-known gem amongst the Vatican treasures. This gallery encompasses works by Renaissance greats such as Caravaggio, Leonardo da Vinci, and Raphael. Each painting evokes deep religious and historical significance, offering a serene atmosphere for contemplation of the divine through art. The Pinacoteca is a must-see for its carefully curated collection that captures pivotal moments of religious narratives and artistic evolution.

Vatican City: Gregorian Egyptian Museum

What is it?
A museum dedicated to ancient Egyptian artifacts collected by the Vatican.
Why you should go?
The Gregorian Egyptian Museum immerses visitors in the world of ancient Egypt within the Vatican. With artifacts that range from mummies to intricately decorated sarcophagi, the collection provides a comprehensive window into an ancient civilization's culture and beliefs. The museum's contents extend past mere display, offering educational insights into the historical connections between Egypt and the papacy, making it an informative yet intriguing Vatican activity.

Vatican City: Cupola of St. Peter's Basilica

What is it?
The majestic dome of the basilica, offering panoramic views of Vatican City.
Why you should go?
Ascending the Cupola of St. Peter's Basilica is more than just an activity; it's an unforgettable experience. The climb, via stairs or elevator, rewards visitors with breathtaking vistas of the Eternal City and a bird's eye view of the Vatican grounds. The interior of the dome itself is elaborate, with detailed mosaics and architectural marvels that reflect the grandeur of this historical and sacred site. It stands as a testament to the ingenuity of Michelangelo's design and is a pinnacle experience among the things to do in Vatican.

Vatican City: The Vatican Historical Museum

What is it?
A museum showcasing the history of the Papal States and their influence.
Why you should go?
Nestled within the Lateran Palace, The Vatican Historical Museum provides a unique perspective on the history of the Vatican. The collection highlights the temporal power of the Popes through artifacts, ceremonial objects, and uniforms of the Papal Zouaves. It's an enlightening visit for those interested in the intersection of religious and political histories, offering a multifaceted look at the inner workings and evolution of the papacy.

Vatican City: The Vatican Apostolic Archive

What is it?
The central repository of all documents pertaining to the Holy See.
Why you should go?
The Vatican Apostolic Archive, recently opened for scholarly research, is a trove of documents that spans the Church's history. It's a place where one can find papal correspondences, state papers, and various historical records that chart the Catholic Church's trajectory. While access is typically reserved for qualified researchers, the Archive holds a fascination for scholars and the public alike, as it houses secrets and stories from centuries past, making it integral to understanding global religious history.
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Vatican City: Apostolic Palace

What is it?
The official residence of the Pope, and a treasure trove of artistic heritage.
Why you should go?
The Apostolic Palace is not merely a residence; it's an embodiment of history and religious tradition. Inside, the decorated chambers, exquisite chapels, and the Pope's private apartments reveal the intimate side of the papal lifestyle. The rich collection of art and artifacts, which spans centuries, is sure to captivate history buffs and art aficionados alike. Visitors often find the Papal Blessing ceremony, delivered from the palace's window, a uniquely spiritual Vatican activity.

Vatican City: Raphael Rooms

What is it?
A suite of reception rooms, famous for their frescoes painted by Raphael.
Why you should go?
The Raphael Rooms are a visceral display of Renaissance artistry, found within the Vatican Museums. Renowned for their vibrant frescoes by Raphael, each room is a somber invitation into the world of high art and royal court life of the Renaissance period. The School of Athens fresco, depicting philosophers and scientists, remains an iconic work, etching the room's place in the history of art. These rooms are a rare glimpse into the genius of one of Italy's master painters.

Vatican City: Vatican Necropolis

What is it?
An underground cemetery home to tombs of Roman times and the apostle Saint Peter.
Why you should go?
The Vatican Necropolis is a haunting journey beneath St. Peter's Basilica, where an ancient world awaits. Artifacts and sepulchers line this sacred ground, believed to hold the tomb of Saint Peter himself. The air of mystery surrounding the Scavi (excavations) makes for a captivating visit, offering a stark contrast to the grandeur above and drawing archaeology enthusiasts among the best things to do in Vatican.

Vatican City: Vatican Library

What is it?
An erudite collection of historic texts, manuscripts, and incunabula within the Vatican.
Why you should go?
The Vatican Library is a sanctuary of knowledge and holy texts, with an immense archive that attracts scholars from around the world. Beyond esoteric documents and rare manuscripts, the library's frescoed halls are a testament to its reverence for learning and culture. Though access is generally restricted, its significance among Vatican attractions remains high due to the cultural and historical value of the documents preserved within.

Vatican City: Vatican Post Office

What is it?
A surprisingly popular postal service known for its Vatican-stamped collectibles.
Why you should go?
Perhaps an unexpected item on the list of what to do in Vatican, the Vatican Post Office is celebrated by philatelists the world over. Renowned for its beautifully designed postage stamps and its unique status, it offers a fun and memorable experience for tourists to send postcards with a Vatican City postmark. It stands out as an intriguing highlight, where a simple act of mailing a letter can become a cherished travel moment.

Vatican City: Vatican Museums

What is it?
An illustrious collection of art and relics across 54 galleries.
Why you should go?
The Vatican Museums boast an unparalleled collection of artifacts, expansive galleries, and the famous Spiral Staircase. Housing classical sculptures, Renaissance masterpieces, and Egyptian mummies, this is where history comes to life. Visitors can marvel at the Raphael Rooms and, arguably, the pinnacle of High Renaissance art—the Sistine Chapel with its magnificent ceiling painted by Michelangelo. The intricate tapestries and maps lining the halls enrich the narrative of art and culture through centuries.

Vatican City: St. Peter's Basilica

What is it?
The world's largest church and an iconic symbol of the Catholic faith.
Why you should go?
St. Peter's Basilica stands as a testament to divine artistry and architecture. Entry into its grand nave offers a glimpse into the culmination of creative prowess from masters like Michelangelo and Bernini. Visitors are often awestruck by the sheer size, the expanse of the dome, and treasures such as Michelangelo's Pietà. Climbing to the top unveils a stunning panorama of Vatican City and beyond, making it a zenith of Vatican activities for any culture enthusiast.

Vatican City: Sistine Chapel

What is it?
A cornerstone of Vatican art, famous for its Renaissance frescoes.
Why you should go?
The Sistine Chapel's fame stretches beyond religious borders, signifying the zenith of artistic achievement. A sanctuary adorned with Michelangelo's frescoes, including The Last Judgment and the iconic Creation of Adam, offers a visually immersive storytelling experience. The interplay of biblical tales and human emotion captured in fresco form, evoke a sense of reflection and awe. It represents a compelling narrative of faith and genius, a primary element of what to do in Vatican.

Vatican City: Vatican Gardens

What is it?
A private oasis of tranquility featuring manicured landscapes and historic fountains.
Why you should go?
Offering respite from the Vatican's more crowded attractions, the Vatican Gardens are an idyllic retreat. Spanning half of the country's territory, these gardens offer a peaceful stroll through diverse flora, sculptures, and grottoes dedicated to the Madonna. The meticulous arrangement and hidden Vatican lore within the gardens beckon a contemplative walk, enveloped in silence and beauty—truly one of the top things to do in Vatican.

Vatican City: St. Peter's Square

What is it?
An expansive, key-shaped piazza bordered by grand colonnades.
Why you should go?
Embraced by Bernini's colossal colonnades, St. Peter's Square (Piazza San Pietro) is architectural magnificence personified. At its heart stands the ancient Egyptian obelisk and twin fountains leading to the basilica's majestic facade. This square, a focal point for pilgrims and tourists, is the setting for Papal audiences and significant religious events. Its blend of spiritual significance and architectural grandeur secures its place on any itinerary of things to see in Vatican.

TOP-5 Free Tours in Vatican

  • Embark on a spiritual journey through St. Peter's Basilica, a pinnacle among Vatican tourist attractions, featuring awe-inspiring Renaissance art.
  • Discover the Vatican Museums, where the best things to do in Vatican come alive amidst ancient sculptures and famous frescoes.
  • Wander through the Sistine Chapel to gaze upon Michelangelo's masterpieces, a quintessential what to see in Vatican experience.
  • Stroll around Vatican Gardens, a serene oasis offering a respite from the hustle and befitting the top things to do in Vatican.
  • Behold the majesty of St. Peter's Square, where architecture and history converge, making it a must among places to visit in Vatican.