Things to do in Keflavik

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About Keflavik

Must-see attractions in Keflavík include the Viking World Museum, where visitors can explore the rich Norse history, the iconic Bridge Between Continents symbolizing the connection between North America and Eurasia, and the Reykjanes Geopark, renowned for its otherworldly landscapes and geothermal phenomena.
For families with kids, visiting The Giantess in the Mountain provides a magical folklore experience. The Icelandic Museum of Rock 'n' Roll offers interactive musical fun, and the Viking World Museum's hands-on exhibits keep younger visitors engaged and fascinated with Viking culture.
The best outdoor activities include strolling along Keflavík Marina, hiking within the Reykjanes Geopark amidst volcanic craters and hot springs, and visiting the panoramic coastline near the Hvalsneskirkja, where the natural beauty of the landscape can be fully appreciated.
Top indoor activities feature absorbing Icelandic culture at Reykjanes Art Museum, exploring the heritage of Icelandic music at The Icelandic Museum of Rock 'n' Roll, and experiencing the historical exhibits dedicated to WWII Allies at the War and Peace Museum.
Among the best Keflavík tours are the "Keflavík Maritime Wander" audio tour, embracing the town's seafaring legacy, the "Viking Voyage" audio tour, the enlightening "Geothermal Wonders" tour, and the "Modern Keflavík: Art & Music" tour celebrating contemporary culture.
The Viking World Museum and The Icelandic Museum of Rock 'n' Roll stand as the most popular museums, attracting visitors with exhibits on Viking history and Iceland's music industry, respectively.
For rainy days, visitors can enjoy the covered "Geothermal Wonders" audio tour, exploring the indoor Reykjanes Art Museum, and taking the "Historical Keflavík" audio tour, which includes many indoor sites rich in history and culture.
Short tours ideal for those with limited time include succinct versions of the "Keflavík Maritime Wander" and "Modern Keflavík: Art & Music" audio tours, providing quick yet comprehensive insights into the town’s cultural points of interest.

Best Things to Do In Keflavík

Embark on a journey to discover the captivating allure of Keflavík, where unique attractions await.

Keflavík: Duus Museum Cultural Center

What is it?
A cultural complex offering art, history, and maritime exhibits along the waterfront.
Why you should go?
This multi-faceted cultural institution is one of the premier Keflavík activities for visitors keen on immersing themselves in the local culture. The Duus Museum Cultural Center hosts a multitude of exhibitions ranging from contemporary art to historical artifacts. The scenic location by the harbor further enhances the visit, providing picturesque views and a thoughtful reflection on the town’s connection with the sea.

Keflavík: The Giantess in the Mountain

What is it?
An enchanting attraction featuring a sleeping giantess, based on local folklore.
Why you should go?
Delight in one of the most whimsical things to do in Keflavík with a visit to the curious and imaginative world of the Giantess in the Mountain. Designed as a storybook come to life, this exhibit appeals to the fascination with Iceland’s mythical creatures and offers an interactive experience for visitors of all ages. The giantess’s cavern provides a memorable glimpse into the country's rich storytelling traditions.

Keflavík: Reykjanes Geopark

What is it?
A UNESCO Global Geopark showcasing Keflavík's volcanic and geothermal wonders.
Why you should go?
Exploring the Reykjanes Geopark is among the best things to do in Keflavík for nature enthusiasts and geology fans. The area's dramatic landscape offers a visual treat with its raw beauty and provides educational insights into the geodynamic processes of the Earth. The park is home to various hiking trails, hot springs, and otherworldly terrain, making it an attractive destination for physical adventure and mental captivation.

Keflavík: Naval Air Station Keflavík

What is it?
A historical former U.S. Naval Base with significant Cold War heritage.
Why you should go?
For history enthusiasts pondering what to see in Keflavík, the former Naval Air Station provides an engrossing excursion. This site enables visitors to delve into modern history—an epoch when Keflavík played a pivotal role in the transatlantic defense strategy. Though no longer active, the base's legacy lives on through available tours and local tales that encapsulate its impact on Iceland's geopolitical stance.

Keflavík: Bridge Between Continents

What is it?
A symbolic bridge spanning a fissure between the North American and Eurasian tectonic plates.
Why you should go?
Experiencing the Bridge Between Continents is undoubtedly one of the fun things to do in Keflavík, illustrating the geological rift between two worlds. Visitors can literally walk between continents and appreciate the significance of this geological marvel. The bridge offers an informative and photogenic stop, perfect for families, geology buffs, and travelers looking for that unique snapshot to commemorate their Icelandic adventure.

Keflavík: The Icelandic Museum of Rock 'n' Roll

What is it?
A dynamic museum dedicated to Iceland's rich rock and pop music history.
Why you should go?
Music lovers will revel in this interactive space that pays homage to Iceland's eclectic music scene. From memorabilia of famous Icelandic artists to immersive audio-visual displays, the museum offers a unique cultural experience. Whether you're a die-hard rock enthusiast or a casual listener, this auditory journey through the halls of fame will strike a chord with visitors of all ages.

Keflavík: Stekkjarkot

What is it?
An authentic Icelandic turf house preserved to showcase historical living conditions.
Why you should go?
Stekkjarkot provides a rare glimpse into the rustic life of Icelanders in the past. The picturesque turf house is a living museum, illustrating the rugged yet simple lifestyle that characterized the Icelandic hinterlands. As one of the crucial things to see in Keflavík, history buffs can immerse themselves in an educational experience about the traditional ways of Icelandic living and the ingenious architectural methods employed for surviving the harsh North Atlantic climate.

Keflavík: Viking World Museum

What is it?
A museum centered on Viking history, featuring a full-scale Viking ship replica.
Why you should go?
The Viking World Museum stands as a testament to Keflavík's Norse heritage, offering one of the best Keflavík tours dedicated to the exploration era. Visitors can board the Icelander, a meticulously crafted replica of a Viking ship, and feel transported back to the age of discovery. The museum not only educates on the Vikings' expeditions but also showcases the intricate craftsmanship that made their seafaring adventures possible.

Keflavík: Reykjanes Art Museum

What is it?
An artistic hub displaying contemporary Icelandic art, with a special focus on local artists.
Why you should go?
Explore the vibrant art scene of Keflavík through the Reykjanes Art Museum, a cornerstone for contemporary works and creative expression in the region. With exhibitions that reflect on both local and global themes, the museum provides a thought-provoking environment for art aficionados and curious visitors alike. It is an essential stop to gain insight into the region's creative pulse and its impact on Icelandic culture.

Keflavík: Hvalsneskirkja

What is it?
A beautifully constructed stone church dating back to the 19th century.
Why you should go?
Often included in the best Keflavík excursions, Hvalsneskirkja exudes a tranquil serenity, offering a spiritual retreat for those seeking solace amidst historical architecture. Revered for its simplistic beauty and the surrounding graves marked with elaborately carved stones, the church is an important cultural landmark. Each stone tells a story, etching out the history and legacy of the local people, making it a profoundly touching sight for reflection.

TOP-5 tours in Keflavík for first time visitors

  • Explore the rich maritime heritage and vibrant cultural scene with the "Keflavík Maritime Wander" audio tour, offering insights into the town's seafaring past.
  • Delve into the "Viking Voyage" audio tour to unearth Keflavík's Viking history and visit archaeological sites that tell stories of bygone eras.
  • Indulge in the "Northern Lights Adventure" audio tour for an opportunity to witness Keflavík's spectacular aurora and learn about this natural phenomenon.
  • "Geothermal Wonders" audio tour provides a fascinating exploration of Keflavík's thermal springs and dramatic volcanic landscapes, offering a unique geologic experience.
  • The "Modern Keflavík: Art & Music" audio tour lets you dive into the contemporary side with visits to local galleries and music spots that shape the town's cultural identity.

Fun things to do in Keflavík with kids

Family adventures in Keflavík are as diverse as they are engaging, with activities that turn any trip into an educational escapade. At the Viking World Museum, young explorers can set sail through history aboard a full-scale Viking ship replica, making for a thrilling, hands-on historical experience. The magic of local legends comes to life with a visit to The Giantess in the Mountain, an immersive attraction where children can meet a friendly giantess, deepening their appreciation for Iceland's rich folklore. For an activity that combines entertainment with learning, The Icelandic Museum of Rock 'n' Roll hits the right note, offering interactive exhibits for kids to discover music history and maybe even find their inner rock star. Each of these attractions offers a world of excitement, ensuring that Keflavík remains a memorable destination for families and children looking to indulge in educational fun.

Things to do in Keflavík with family

Crafting unforgettable family memories in Keflavík is easy, thanks to an array of attractions that cater to all ages. Begin with the remarkable Viking World Museum, where history enthusiasts can embark on a Norse journey back in time, marveling at the impressive Viking ship replica. Connect with Keflavík's enchanting natural surroundings by taking a trip to the Bridge Between Continents. This remarkable site allows families to walk between tectonic plates, providing a rare and educational experience that highlights Iceland’s unique geology. For a dose of local culture and entertainment, the Icelandic Museum of Rock 'n' Roll offers a compelling exploration of the nation’s music scene with interactive displays that are sure to captivate the entire family. Keflavík is a destination where the combination of education and excitement form the perfect recipe for a family-friendly adventure.

Free things to do in Keflavík

Visitors to Keflavík can delight in an array of complimentary attractions that promise rich experiences without a price tag. Stroll along the picturesque Marina, where the blend of fresh sea air and scenic views make for a relaxing and beautiful walk. Here, one can capture splendid photos and observe the local fisherman’s daily catch. For those curious about geological wonders, the Bridge Between Continents offers a unique, no-cost opportunity to stand where the North American and Eurasian tectonic plates meet. A symbol of connection and a showcase of Earth's natural forces, it's an educational outing for all. Lastly, the Hvalsneskirkja church, with its classic Icelandic architecture and serene coastal backdrop, is free to explore. Visitors are invited to appreciate the craftsmanship and peaceful ambiance that this historical 19th-century structure exudes, making it one of the serene things to do in Keflavík.

Cheap things to do in Keflavík

Keflavík offers a wealth of budget-friendly adventures that prove memorable experiences don't have to break the bank. Take a leisurely walk around the picturesque Keflavík Marina and indulge in the charm of coastal life, where the vibrant fishing boats and expansive vistas provide plenty of photo opportunities. History enthusiasts will find the Stekkjarkot, an ancient Icelandic turf house, a fascinating and inexpensive attraction that transports visitors back in time to witness the traditional ways of Icelandic living. For a nominal fee, families can spend time at the Giantess in the Mountain exhibition, an enchanting experience based on beloved local folklore and a hit with the kids. These attractions are just a few examples of the best things to do in Keflavík that offer high value at a low cost, ensuring travelers can explore and enjoy without worrying about their wallets.

Things to do in Keflavík for couples

Romance thrives in the scenic settings of Keflavík, offering couples a tranquil escape with a blend of natural beauty and cultural charm. Begin with a serene walk along the Marina, where the sound of the waves and the allure of the landscape create an idyllic backdrop for a hand-in-hand stroll during sunset. For those interested in the arts, the Reykjanes Art Museum presents a quiet retreat to enjoy contemporary local art, fostering conversation and inspiring intimacy. To experience the wonder of Iceland's natural beauty, couples should venture to the awe-inspiring Bridge Between Continents. This remarkable geological feature allows for a symbolic and memorable moment of walking hand in hand from one tectonic plate to another. Each of these attractions provides an experience that is both personal and unforgettable, making them perfect choices for what to do in Keflavík for couples seeking to connect and create memories.

Things to do in Keflavík at night

As the sun sets, Keflavík transforms, offering visitors an array of nocturnal adventures. For the quintessential Icelandic experience, the Northern Lights Adventure offers an enchanting evening chasing the Aurora Borealis. With Keflavík's prime location away from city lights, couples and solo adventurers alike can bask in the ethereal glow of these celestial dances. Music enthusiasts can delve into the vibrant nightlife with a visit to the local pubs and live music venues, where the sounds of Icelandic bands fill the air, presenting an opportunity to mingle with locals and enjoy the rhythm of the town. Meanwhile, the waterfront serves as a serene setting for an evening walk, with the illuminated marina providing a tranquil atmosphere for reflection or a romantic saunter. These attractions are among the best things to do in Keflavík when the stars come out, charming travelers with unique and memorable night-time experiences.