Uncover Spectral Secrets with the Llandaff Ghosts In-App Audio Tour

About this activity

Audio tour
Audio tour in English
Route length: 1.0km
Instant confirmation
Duration 35m
AI generated tour
This tour was generated with the help of AI with human post moderation. It allows us to propose more diverse content for you while keeping good quality and lower price
Audio tours on your smartphone
After purchase, you will receive the link to download the app to take this tour
Control your experience
With the in-app audio guide, you decide when to start, pause, and finish your tour
No internet is required
All audio tours and tickets can be downloaded to your device anytime

Tour preview

Hosted by WeGoTrip
Book now
  • We will send the tour within 48 hours or refund your money
  • Discover legends with the Self-Guided Audio Tour
  • Feel the chill at the ghostly white lady's woodland
  • See where the spectral Banshee of Wales roamed
  • Admire Llandaff Cathedral's Gothic beauty
  • Unveil history at the atmospheric old graveyard
This in-app audio tour delves into the ghostly realm of Llandaff, guiding those with a curiosity for the paranormal through the area’s enigmatic past and its present, shrouded in myth. It's a perfect experience for listeners interested in a blend of history, nature, and spine-tingling tales set against the eerie backdrop of an ancient cityscape. The journey begins at the enduring Llandaff Cathedra...

What's included

  • Downloadable self-guided audio tour via the WeGoTrip app
  • Detailed route from stop to stop with live GPS map on your smartphone
  • Earphones are not included — please bring your own
  • Tickets to the attractions along the way are not included

Places you will visit

The route of the tour goes within circle
Exiting the graveyard
Introduction - Llandaff Cathedral

Attractions on the route

Download the app and the digital audio tour on your smartphone before the visit. You will find recommendations on how to get to the staring point in the first step of the tour. If you have any questions or need any assistance, please email us at support@wegotrip.com.
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Cancellation policies vary according to activity type. Please check the conditions of your required activity Self-guided audio tour.
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